Span Gases

Today’s ships are more frequently using sophisticated instruments to monitor onboard atmospheres. These instruments are critical in measuring dangerous levels of flammable gases, toxic gases, exhaust emissions, and oxygen levels in atmospheres. And they are required to ensure the safety of the crew, ship, and the quality of the product being transported. In order to make certain these instruments are working correctly, calibration gases are necessary. The STS Marine SA Span Gases deliver the consistency, reliability, and compliance our customers demand for all of their calibration requirements.
SOLAS requires ships carrying cargoes that are likely to emit a toxic or flammable gas, or that are likely to cause oxygen depletion in a cargo space, be provided with an appropriate instrument for measuring the concentration of gas or oxygen in the air, together with detailed instructions for its use. The calibration, according to the IMO MSC 1370, should be carried out at a minimum once a month and the system should be designed to permit onboard calibration by the crew.
Implicit in the provision is the requirement that the operator provides the correct instrument for each gas testing need. It should be noted that the different gas testing functions may be incorporated into a multi-function gas measuring instrument. The gas measurement instrumentation on board a tanker should form a comprehensive and integrated system that addresses all the necessary applications identified by the operator. The instruments should be fit for the task to which they are applied, and users should be made aware of the particular applications and limitations of each instrument. Users of gas measuring instruments should be trained in the proper use of the equipment, to a level suited to their work duties. A sufficient number of gas measuring instruments should be available on board the ship to meet all the identified requirements. This will allow for instrument failures, servicing requirements, and the capability of the ship’s staff to undertake repair and certified calibration of the instruments. All of the following factors must be considered:
- The SOLAS regulations found in Chapter II-2,
- IMO MSC circular 1370,
- Chapter 16 of the FSS Code,
- the frequency of equipment usage,
- and the gas detection equipment OEM requirements.
Once these have all been reviewed the procedure for calibration, including the frequency, can be developed for the ship’s Safety Management System (SMS). STS Marine has authorized equipment calibration experts for both onboard fixed or portable systems that require calibration. Whether if it is a small personnel protective device or a large fixed gas detection system, STS Marine can perform the calibration on board or at our many service centers.
STS Marine has a wide range of span/calibration gases available in both refillable and disposable cylinders. STS Marine also offers a complete line of disposable cylinders for calibration gases. Disposable cylinders are available in a variety of sizes. To optimize your supply needs, STS Marine also stands ready to provide the equipment, such as gas regulators, cylinder brackets, and tubing for both refillable and disposable calibration gas cylinders, and with our technical expertise, we can guide you to the correct gas and cylinder based on your usage rate, the gas, and the gas’ expiration date. For details on span/calibration gases do not hesitate to contact us.